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About Us

The project delivers furniture re-use services throughout the boroughs of Burnley and Pendle in East Lancashire.

We collect donations of re-useable furniture and domestic appliances from members of the public that would otherwise go to land fill. We then offer these items for re-use in the community at very little cost to people who cannot afford to buy them from traditional outlets.

Our Aims

  • The relief of poverty by the provision of low-cost furniture, domestic appliances and household goods to those in need within Lancashire and in particular the areas of Pendle and Burnley.
  • The advancement of employment opportunities, particularly but not exclusively, among the long term unemployed, through the provision of real work voluntary placements with training
  • The protection and preservation of the environment for the public benefit by increasing the number of opportunities for households to participate in waste re-use through donations of re-useable furniture and electrical domestic appliances that would otherwise go to landfill sites.